The Great Wall of China; They were built and maintained to protect China's northern border from the 5th century BC to the 16th century AD.  Many such walls were built, but the most famous is the one built between 220 BC and 200 BC under Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of China. [1]  The present wall was built during the reign of the Ming Dynasty.


           Part of the Great Wall of China

                      Why was it made? 

The Great Wall of China was built to protect China from neighboring Manchuria and Mongolian nomadic bandits. In 200 BC, China was divided into kingdoms and provinces. One of these kingdoms is Shih Huang-ti. This influential king became the emperor himself by uniting the surrounding kings. In the north of China, in the eastern part of the Gobi Desert, lived the mighty Mars. Looting was their main source of livelihood. The construction of the Great Wall of China began at the behest of the emperor to keep the country and its people safe from them. The wall was built on the shores of Chihli (old name Pohai Po) from Shansikuan to Chiakuman in Kansu Province. However, the purpose for which the wall was built was not successful. Because many of its places often collapsed. Many times Mars pirates would break through the wall and enter the Chinese locality and loot. There are some broken parts here in many places of the wall as a memento of these events.


 The location of the Great Wall of China on the map

 The Great Wall of China is the world's largest man-made structure.  The wall is about 5 to 6 meters high and 21,197 kilometers long.  It started at Shanghai Pass and ended at Lopnur.

 Construction of the main part of it started around 206 BC.  The construction work was started by the Chinese during the Qing Dynasty.  Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of China, first used it and built it long to protect his empire from the enemy.  It was the first level of protection against the Hsiung Nu (the Huns), a tribe in northern China, guarding areas other than China's natural barriers.

 The history of the Han, Sui, Nordan, and Jing dynasties also mentions the expansion, change, expansion, and reconstruction of the Great Wall of China for exactly the same reason that they built it.  Although it is rumored that the Great Wall of China was seen from the moon, it has been proved to be false.  However, some astronauts have claimed to have seen it from the International Space Station.


 North of Beijing and parts of the tourist center have been preserved and even rebuilt, but parts of the walls are in ruins.  The damaged parts are used as rural playgrounds and stone ounces needed to build houses and roads.  Some parts of the walls are being damaged due to sabotage.  Some parts have been demolished to rebuild the walls.  It is not possible to know how much space has been saved without conducting a full survey.  The repaired part near the developed tourist area has become a selling point for tourism products.

             Observation checkpoints:-

 The wall has regular checkpoints, which are used to store weapons, provide military accommodation and provide smoke signals.  The barracks and administrative centers are located at long intervals.

 The communication of army units within the borders of the Great Wall, such as strengthening the party and being wary of enemy movements, was significant.  Signal towers were erected at other high places, including hills, for the convenience of viewing.

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