The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

A 600-year-old flower garden on the banks of the Euphrates River in Iraq
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon was built on the banks of the Euphrates River in Iraq in 600 BC.  It was built by Emperor Nebuchadnezzar at the instigation of the Empress.  At first a huge foundation was built, the area of ​​which was 600 square feet.  The foundation was laid on the spacious roof of the then emperor's khas shrine.  After laying the foundation, it stood 60 feet above the ground.  The world's largest and most wonderful flower garden was built on this foundation.  The garden was created by 4,000 workers working day and night.  1050 gardeners were engaged in tending the garden.  5 to 6 thousand types of flower saplings were planted in this hanging garden.  Water was drawn from the river on the high steps of the garden at a height of 60 feet with the help of a thick twisted tube.  This beautiful park was completely destroyed in 514 AD in a bloody battle with the neighboring Persian Empire.


        The Hanging Gardens of Babylon map

 It is a hand-painted carving, probably made in the 19th century after the first excavations in the Assyrian capital, depicting an illusory hanging garden, followed by the Babylonian fortress.

                       Babylon Naming:-

 This Babylonian civilization is one of the Mesopotamian civilizations in Babylon.  The city of Babylon, built on the banks of the Euphrates River, was a magnificent city.  The quadrangular city was then surrounded by a wide defensive wall, which was astonishing in terms of height and breadth.  In front of the city was a strong and high entrance.  Again a large pillar was erected in the city.  Whose name was the Tower of Babylon.  The name Babylon was probably related to the name.

   Edited by Emperor Sargon and Hammurabi:-

 With the collapse of Sumerian civilization around 2000 BC, Babylon became a powerful empire in the region.  Sargon, the first emperor of Babylon, was quite successful, as he reached the pinnacle of Babylonian civilization and developed Sumerian culture, epistemology during the reign of Emperor Hammurabi (1792 - 1650 BC).

                   Nanopolar period:-

 Over the next few hundred years, Babylon passed into the hands of various nations.  The Hittites, Assyrians, Cassites, and Chaldeans seized Babylon for almost a thousand years.  Then, in 625 BC, Babylon was revived under the leadership of Nanopolasar.  He captured Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrians.  After his death, his son Nebuchadnezzar came to power.  He made Babylon more prosperous and glorious.  He was particularly fond of architecture and art.  He rebuilt temples, palaces and architecture destroyed in various wars.  Babylon made the city beautiful and attractive.

          History of the creation of Babylon:-

 The most notable installation of Nebuchadnezzar II (605 - 562 BC) was the Gardens of Babylon.  He was inspired by his beloved empress to build this hanging garden.  Babylon's Hanging Gardens is one of the Seven Wonders of the World.  Emperor Nebuchadnezzar was very merry.  The Median emperor assisted him in his conquest of Nineveh.  Attracted by the beauty of the Median princess, he married her.  After marriage, the princess became the empress of Babylon.  But the Empress of Babylon did not like it at all, because the media was a mountainous country.  And Babylon was a flat land.  The empress was desperate for a watch.  The emperor understood the empress's mind and built huge hills on the palace to please her.  A beautiful garden is made with mountains.  This world-famous garden is decorated with all the wonderful plants and flowers from all over the world.  Because he wanted to draw a symbol of a good home for all the joy and happiness of the world.

                   The Fall of Babylon:- 

 The Persian emperor Cyrus captured Jerusalem in 514 BC and destroyed the city.  They burnt down their shrines and palaces.  From his time the Babylonian Empire began to fade.  Nebonidas later became emperor.  But the prosperity of Babylon is lost.  Babylon is now a heap of ruins.  The city of Babylon was reduced to dust by the onslaught of the Persian emperor.
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