NEO price , by 2022 the Neo price is predicted to reach a minimum of $ 36.98. The price of NEO can reach a maximum of $ 44.60
The live Neo price today is $ 26.37 USD with a 24 hour trading volume of $ 84,640,261 USD. We are updating our NEO price to USD in real time. Neo rose 0.97% in the last 24 hours. The current CoinMarketCap position is # 71, with a live market of $ 1,860,175,617 USD. It has a rotating supply of NEO coins of 70,538,831 and size. the issuance of 100,000,000 NEO coins.
If you would like to know where to buy Neo, the top cryptocurrency trading trades in Neo stock right now are Binance, OKEx, CoinTiger, Huobi Global, and KuCoin. You can find others listed on our crypto trading page.
What is Neo (NEO)?
Neo bills itself as a “fast-growing and developing” environmental system with the goal of becoming the foundation for the next generation of internet - a new economy where digital payments, ownership and assets come together.
Originally known as Antshares, the project is believed to be the first to block Chinese society when it was launched in February 2014. The open source platform was renamed Neo three years later.
As well as creating a global community of developers building new network infrastructure and low access barriers, the project team is implementing the EcoBoost campaign designed to encourage people to build internationally distributed applications and smart contracts in its blockchain.
It is often compared to the Chinese version of the Ethereum network.
Past Neo Price Analysis
According to the latest data collected, the current Neo price is $ 26.36 and NEO is currently ranked # in the entire crypto ecosystem. Neo’s circular distribution is 70,538,831 with a market capitalization of $ 1,859,276,856.
In the last 24 hours, crypto has dropped 0.34% of its current value. If we compare the current market cap of NEO with yesterday, you can see that the market cap is also low.
Neo faces a tough time riding with other crypto currencies. NEO has dropped to about 8.3% in the last 7 days. The coin still shows the fragmentary components of the framework a few days ago, the coin may have solid foundations but, we do not think it could be a profitable asset in the short term.
6 Months
Over the past one month, the price of NEO dropped by 41.413%, subtracting an average of $ 18.63 from its current value. This sudden decline means that the coin is now immersed, which means it could be a good buying opportunity to invest immediately.
The 90-day price change is about 49.14% and the price is still moving from a low of $ 51.66 to a high of $ 55.45 in the last 90 days.
Neo decreased by 22.75% and the maximum value of the coin was almost $ 30.44 and the minimum value was around $ 29.51 in the last 4 months.
Neo (NEO) Price Prediction / Forecast for 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025 and 2030
At PricePrediction.Net we predict future Neo price predictions / NEO weather forecasts using in-depth analytics of intelligence-assisted performance in previous Neo price data. We do our best to collect the highest historical NEO coin historical data covering many parameters such as previous price, Neo marketcap, Neo volume and a few others. If you are looking to invest in digital cryptocurrensets and want a good return on your investment, be sure to read our predictions.
Neo Price Prediction 2022
According to our in-depth technical analysis on past NEO price data, by 2022 the Neo price is predicted to reach a minimum of $ 36.98. The price of NEO can reach a maximum of $ 44.60 with a trading price of between $ 38.30. Learn more
Neo Price Prediction 2023
The price of the Neo is predicted to reach a low level of $ 53.04 by 2023. The Neo price could reach a high of $ 63.66 with an average price of $ 54.57 by 2023.
NEO price forecast for 2024-2025
As per the forecast price and technical analysis, by 2024 the price of the Neo is predicted to reach a minimum of $ 77.89. The price of NEO can reach a maximum of $ 93.82 with an average trading price of $ 80.08. Learn more
The price of the 1 Neo is expected to reach a low of $ 109.00 by 2025. The price of NEO could reach a high of $ 132.57 with an average price of $ 113.01 throughout 2025. Learn more
Neo Price Prediction 2026
The price of the Neo is predicted to reach a very low level that could reach $ 158.54 by 2026. As per our findings, the price of NEO can reach a high level of up to $ 189.12 with an estimated forecast of $ 164.19. Learn more
Neo Price Prediction 2027
According to our in-depth technical analysis on past NEO price data, In 2027 the Neo price is predicted to be around $ 232.03. Neo price range can reach $ 277.38 with an average trading price of $ 238.60 per USD. Learn more
Neo (NEO) Price Prediction 2028
The price of Neo is predicted to reach a minimum of $ 334.79 by 2028. The Neo price could reach a maximum of $ 407.55 with a median trading price of $ 346.72 by 2028. Learn More
Neo Price Prediction / Forecast 2029
As a prediction and technical analysis, by 2029 the Neo price is expected to reach a minimum price of $ 475.40. The NEO price can reach a maximum price of $ 589.91 with a standard price of $ 489.27. Learn more
Neo (NEO) Price Prediction 2030
The price of the Neo is predicted to reach a minimum of $ 691.35 by 2030. The Neo price could reach a maximum of $ 811.18 with a median trading price of $ 710.92 by 2030. Learn More
Neo Price Prediction 2031
The price of the Neo is predicted to reach a very low level that could reach $ 1,007.48 by 2031. As per our findings, the price of NEO can reach a maximum of $ 1,187.57 with an estimated prediction value of $ 1,043.02. Learn more
Neo Price Forecast FAQs
What is the price of Neo today?
Today Neo (NEO) trades at $ 26.36 with a market capitalization of $ 1,859,276,856,000.
What will be the price of the NEO high forecast for 2022?
The price of NEO is expected to reach a high of $ 44.60 by the end of 2022.
Is Neo (NEO) a good investment?
Neo’s price is expected to continue to grow, as shortages often encourage inflation. Please note, there is a risk in any investment. Just invest in what you can achieve before reaching any conclusions and do as much research as possible.
How high can Neo go?
The average Neo (NEO) price may go up to $ 38.30 by the end of this year. If we estimate the five-year plan, it is estimated that the coin will easily reach the mark of $ 164.19.
How much money will Neo have in 2030?
In terms of price, Neo has outstanding ability to reach new heights. It is predicted that NEO will go up in value. According to some experts and business analysts, Neo could reach a peak of $ 1,187.57 by 2030.
How Many Neo Coins (NEO) Are There in Circulation?
At the time of writing, there are 70.5 million NEO broadcasts - as well as a total distribution of 100 million. NEO tokens are not mined, and indeed, all 100 million of them were created when the blockchain started.
These tokens are distributed on a 50/50 basis - half to participants in the sale of tokens, with the other half being divided between the developers and the NEO Council. At the time, it was confirmed that these funds would be used to invest in other blockchain protocols supported by the organization.
At that point, GAS is produced every 20 seconds or so, whenever a new block is being built. The number of tokens created is gradually declining every year, and it is estimated that it will take 22 years for the full 100 million to go into circulation.
How secure is the Neo Network?
As mentioned earlier, Neo uses the Delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance, and it is estimated that the blockchain is capable of processing thousands of transactions per second.
According to Neo, the dBFT method is inspired by the Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance algorithm.
There are a few similarities with the evidence of entrusted ownership, considering the two-pronged approach to allowing token holders to vote for delegates to process transactions.
With dBFT, blocks can be added to the blockchain as long as at least two-thirds of the messengers reach agreement - and hopefully this helps prevent bad characters from undermining network performance.
Where can you buy Neo (NEO)?
NEO can be purchased at a bargain price - most people buy NEO at Binance, Poloniex and HitBTC. But it is not available worldwide and is not supported by other forums, such as Coinbase.